I think one of the problems is that we keep going out of town on the weekends, and that's when I do the bulk of my cleaning, because Jason is home and can distract Auri while I get stuff done. Now it just doesn't get done.
Last weekend was Memorial day weekend, so we went up to the lake, and it was just the Knight family. We had so much fun with Bryan and Laura, Bot had so much fun with little Peebs, and Auri had so much fun with Debba and Bupa! It was a win, win, win situation (Oh poor Deogee). It felt great to just lay around in lounge chairs in the sun. Unfortunately the boat died on its first sunset voyage, so we didn't get to enjoy the boat very much, but it was so windy and so choppy from all the other boats that it's probably just as well.
This weekend, we're going to down to the Bayhouse for the first annual Browning Bayhouse Bash! Very excited about seeing everybody! It'll definitely be interesting seeing as the main part of the house is one big sleeping area. It's good we all like each other, because we're going to be very close all the time :) I can't wait to see Bixby and Charlotte (and D&J of course). Last time I saw Miss B, she was just a wiggly newborn, and now she's almost 9 months old?? Can't believe it. Also can't wait to see what Auri does with another baby around. It's one thing to look at pictures, but completely different when she's right in front of you.
Anyways, going to take advantage of my precious Auri-napping time!
Oma will kid sit so you all can enjoy, too.